Have you ever heard of this program Girls4Science? It's pretty cool! It's a club to introduce girls to different areas of science, like engineering, chemistry, and agriculture. We get to explore new things. We even get to go on field trips every Saturday and sometimes labs, and they might even provide lunch and breakfast for us. How sweet is that?! Personally, my favorite field trips were CornProducts International and IMSA. I know a lot about IMSA. IMSA stands for Illinois Math and Science Academy. It's a high school in Aurora,Illinois, where you can actually live there, just like college. You can also do a variety of things, like sports, and take a variety of classes. They are mostly math and science, but you could try english, reading, social studies, ooh, and, you can learn different languages, like Chinese, my favorite! CornProducts International is a company that does a ton of things with corn. It's my favorite field trip because I get to learn about my favorite food, corn! Yeahh! I learned how they take corn and make high fructose corn syrup, corn starch, and corn oil. And plenty of other things too. Well, I hope you enjoyed that information I just gave you. And hopefully, you'll want to come and join, too. See you later!
Girls4Science Club |
Look at Mia in the front