
Have you ever heard of cyberbullying? Cyberbullying  is when someone says negative things about another person using the internet. The words that they use on the internet can hurt someone's feelings or they might feel poorly about themselves. I wonder why they would do such a thing? When people cyberbully, they use the internet. For example, the technology they use are cellphones to text, e-mail to e-mail people, and Facebook to post comments. There are ways to stop it. You can delete it, tell an adult, or report it. Preventing cyberbullying can help get rid of bad comments or negative emails. No one should comment, e-mail, or text back to a person that said mean things about you. If I were cyberbullied, I would just delete it. You would probably do the same thing or different. Being cyberbullied is a bad thing that can happen to anyone. My personal opinion about it is that it is very important to get rid of those comments immediately. Schools have things like that too. I think schools should eliminate phones and only use computers for learning. To me, I think cyberbullying should end this instant.          Picture from