Friday, October 26, 2012

The Best Teachers Ever!

picture from zazzle .com
Since the beginning of school, have you ever wondered what your teacher is like? A couple months later after school just started, I got to know my teacher and I really like her. She's very firm and tough on us when it comes to challenging us and the homework load. But she's also very funny. Her name is Mrs. Gonnella. Some of you don't like her, and some of you do like her, and it's okay. I especially like her. I wouldn't say she's my favorite teacher, but she's one of the best teachers I've had so far. And I think I will have a great year with her.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Vacation's Over!

Wow! Summer flies so fast! I can't believe it's school already. And, you get to learn new things and have some fun, but only if you work at it. New teachers, new friends, new everything! Students always have so many opportunities to do special activities. The higher the grade, the harder the work. If you only get D's and F's, You have to try harder. Practice makes perfect. And, once you get all A's, who knows what exciting things and opportunities that can come to you. My school rules are to be safe, be respectful, and to be responsible. Have a great school year everybody!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Welcome to Jamaica, Man!

Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! The hot sun warms my skin. The clear blue water cools me down. The dolphins swim in the ocean as graceful as a swan. I can feel the cool, crispy air blowing my hair out of my face. The warm smell of coconut milk tastes as sweet as honey. Can you guess what I'm thinking of? That's right, Jamaica! It has all of the things I described about it. I think you should go there. I've been there 2 times. Is that cool or what? My mom and dad have been there 3 times. They went snorkeling once. When they told me, I wanted to know if they saw any animals, and they did!  I wish I could go there again with my family and have fun just like we used to back then.
Well, farewell my Jamaican friend!!
Picture from

Medival Times!!!!!

Have you ever been to Medival Times? I've been there and it's awesome! You get to see the weapons Greeks use to use on other people, get Slushies for a drink, and eat while you watch a show! They call the food Roasted Baby Dragons, Dragon Fingers, Dragon Blood Soup, and other things. We watched jousting and there were knights fighting. There was the Green knight, the Black and White knight, the Yellow knight, the Blue knight, the Red knight, and the Red and Yellow knight. I cheered for more than one knight. I cheered for the Green knight,the Yellow knight, and the Red and Yellow knight. The Green night is the bad night  and people are supposed to say " Boooooooo!!!!!" But me and my family were the only ones who cheered for him. We didn't care if they were all looking at us. WOW! When I went there, I asked my mom and dad if I could come there for my next birthday. I hope you get as interested as I am in Mediaval Times. 
Have fun my Brave Knight!
Picture from